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This article outlines the steps to predict the diversity of a particular animal group across a target landscape. The pixel-based predictions can then be visualised spatially as a raster image. Based on community ecology theory, we ‘decompose’ animal diversity into two components: (1) local (Alpha) diversity and (2) community (Beta) diversity. The example models built in vignette("build-models") will be used in this demonstration.

Figure: Broad overview of the data workflow for a chosen animal group

1. Local (Alpha) diversity

First, load the required packages:

library("dplyr") # to process/wrangle data
library("tmap") # for visualisation

In this article, we will make spatial predictions across the Punggol (PG) area in Singapore, taken from the example dataset sampling_areas.

# load polygon of punggol boundaries
punggol <- sampling_areas %>%
   filter(area == "PG")

# get landscape data ready
filepath <- system.file("extdata", "osm_data.Rdata", package = "biodivercity")

ndvi_mosaic <- 
  system.file("extdata", "ndvi_mosaic.tif", package="biodivercity") %>% 
veg_classified <- classify_image_binary(ndvi_mosaic, threshold = "otsu")

# visualise 
tm_basemap(c("CartoDB.Positron")) +
  tm_shape(punggol) + tm_borders() +
  tm_shape(buildings_osm) + tm_polygons(col = "levels") +
  tm_shape(roads_osm) + tm_lines(col = "lanes", palette = "YlOrRd")+
  tm_shape(veg_classified) +
    tm_raster(style = "cat",
            palette = c("grey", "darkgreen"))

Next, load the model object and extract the landscape predictors within the best models. In this example, the largest radius for variables within the models is 400 metres.

filepath <- system.file("extdata", "apply-models_alpha-diversity.Rdata", package="biodivercity")

# landscape predictors
predictors <- colnames(coef(bestmodels_info)[,-1])
## [1] "r200m_lsm_veg_gyrate_mn"    "r200m_osm_buildingVol_m3"  
## [3] "r200m_osm_laneDensity"      "r200m_lsm_veg_area_mn"     
## [5] "r200m_lsm_veg_ed"           "r400m_lsm_veg_ed"          
## [7] "r400m_osm_buildingFA_ratio" "r200m_lsm_veg_lpi"         
## [9] "r200m_osm_buildingFA_ratio"
# get the max radius among all predictor variables
max_radius <- predictors %>% 
  stringr::str_extract("(?<=^r)\\d+") %>%  # extract buffer radii
  as.numeric() %>% 
  max(na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 400

To make spatial predictions, the target area is broken up into many smaller points (pixels), where landscape data will be summarised and predictions will be made. First, use the function generate_grid() to generate a grid over the target area.

Figure: Visualisation of the function `generate_grid()`.

Figure: Visualisation of the function generate_grid().

The pixel resolution of the grid can be customised with the argument pixelsize_m, which we specify as 100 metres in this example. An optional argument innerbuffer_m limits the spatial predictions to a smaller area within the target landscape. This is useful, for example, when the model requires broad-scale landscape data to make predictions, but available landscape data do not extend beyond the target area. Hence, to avoid inaccurate predictions that result from areas without landscape data, the distance value for this argument should correspond to the largest buffer radius present in the model variables.

grid_points <- generate_grid(target_areas = punggol, 
                             pixelsize_m = 100,
                             innerbuffer_m = max_radius) %>%
  rownames_to_column("point_id") # add unique identifier

grid_points # geometry column has been added
## Simple feature collection with 461 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377114.5 ymin: 153973.6 xmax: 380414.5 ymax: 156673.6
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
## First 10 features:
##    point_id area                  geometry
## 1         1   PG POINT (379114.5 153973.6)
## 2         2   PG POINT (379014.5 154073.6)
## 3         3   PG POINT (379114.5 154073.6)
## 4         4   PG POINT (379214.5 154073.6)
## 5         5   PG POINT (378914.5 154173.6)
## 6         6   PG POINT (379014.5 154173.6)
## 7         7   PG POINT (379114.5 154173.6)
## 8         8   PG POINT (379214.5 154173.6)
## 9         9   PG POINT (379314.5 154173.6)
## 10       10   PG POINT (378914.5 154273.6)

At each grid point, summarise the predictors for land cover and OpenStreetMap data using the functions calc_specific_lsm() and calc_specific_osm(), respectively. Each predictor will be summarised within the relevant distance buffer (radius) from the grid point, denoted by the prefix r<value>m. If manually generated landscape data were used and are present within the best models, the function calc_manual() can be used to summarise each landscape component; see vignette("process-landscape") for the full list of landscape vectors that may be summarised.

# vegetation cover
predictors_veg <- stringr::str_subset(predictors, "lsm_veg_.*$")
results_veg <- 
  calc_specific_lsm(raster = veg_classified,
                    predictors_lsm = predictors_veg,
                    class_names = c("veg"),
                    class_values = c(1),
                    points = grid_points)

# osm buildings
predictors_buildings <- stringr::str_subset(predictors, "osm_building.*$")
results_buildings <-
      calc_specific_osm(vector = buildings_osm,
                        predictors_osm = predictors_buildings,
                        building_levels = "levels",
                        building_height = "height",
                        points = grid_points)

# osm roads
predictors_roads <- stringr::str_subset(predictors, "osm_lane.*$")
results_roads <-
      calc_specific_osm(vector = roads_osm,
                        predictors_osm = predictors_roads,
                        road_lanes = "lanes",
                        points = grid_points)

# combine results and overwrite 'grid_points' variable 
grid_points <- results_veg %>% 
  full_join(results_buildings %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)) %>% 
  full_join(results_roads %>% st_set_geometry(NULL))
## Simple feature collection with 461 features and 11 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377114.5 ymin: 153973.6 xmax: 380414.5 ymax: 156673.6
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
## First 10 features:
##    point_id area r200m_lsm_veg_area_mn r200m_lsm_veg_ed r400m_lsm_veg_ed
## 1         1   PG             0.1783333         304.3825         287.8758
## 2         2   PG             0.3790909         273.3068         320.5256
## 3         3   PG             0.2118750         292.4303         310.9695
## 4         4   PG             0.1394737         278.8845         295.8391
## 5         5   PG             0.2653846         307.5697         329.2853
## 6         6   PG             0.3911111         267.7291         331.4752
## 7         7   PG             0.4800000         280.4781         321.9192
## 8         8   PG             0.2733333         248.6056         308.9787
## 9         9   PG             0.1822222         306.7729         293.2510
## 10       10   PG             0.2193333         332.2709         335.4569
##    r200m_lsm_veg_gyrate_mn r200m_lsm_veg_lpi r200m_osm_buildingVol_m3
## 1                 18.12023         10.677291                        0
## 2                 25.96049         18.964143                        0
## 3                 18.32125         14.501992                        0
## 4                 12.40779         13.386454                        0
## 5                 18.90708         12.191235                        0
## 6                 23.45344         18.884462                        0
## 7                 25.94185         24.302789                        0
## 8                 16.08908         18.406375                        0
## 9                 15.67557         13.227092                        0
## 10                19.89673          9.800797                        0
##    r400m_osm_buildingFA_ratio r200m_osm_buildingFA_ratio r200m_osm_laneDensity
## 1                    1.682808                   1.623362            0.04645401
## 2                    2.233960                   2.700053            0.02081570
## 3                    1.946201                   2.615702            0.02345348
## 4                    1.714228                   2.362860            0.03613221
## 5                    2.438732                   3.239166            0.03077676
## 6                    2.411402                   3.061500            0.02277422
## 7                    2.194357                   3.041585            0.01304752
## 8                    1.861286                   3.370845            0.01692167
## 9                    1.695405                   2.670577            0.02997526
## 10                   2.603705                   3.244310            0.03184894
##                     geometry
## 1  POINT (379114.5 153973.6)
## 2  POINT (379014.5 154073.6)
## 3  POINT (379114.5 154073.6)
## 4  POINT (379214.5 154073.6)
## 5  POINT (378914.5 154173.6)
## 6  POINT (379014.5 154173.6)
## 7  POINT (379114.5 154173.6)
## 8  POINT (379214.5 154173.6)
## 9  POINT (379314.5 154173.6)
## 10 POINT (378914.5 154273.6)

Finally, use the function predict_heatmap() to predict the number of bird species (species richness) across the grid of spatial points, based on the predictor variables summarised in grid_points. The model object(s) in bestmodels (lme4::glmer() objects) and recipe_birds (data pre-processing workflow recipes::recipe() object) will be used to make the predictions at each point. Ensure that the argument pixelsize_m is similar to the value used in generate_grid().

bird_heatmap <- predict_heatmap(models = bestmodels, 
                                recipe_data = recipe_birds,
                                points_topredict = grid_points, 
                                pixelsize_m = 100)

The continuous raster may be visualised as a heat map:

tmap_options(max.raster = c(view = 1e8)) # increase max resolution to be visualised

tm_basemap(c("CartoDB.Positron", "OpenStreetMap")) +
  tm_shape(bird_heatmap, raster.downsample = FALSE) +
  tm_raster(title = "Number of bird species",
            style = "pretty",
            n = 8,
            palette = "YlOrRd",
            alpha = 0.6) 

2. Community (Beta) diversity

To be released.