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biodivercity (development version)

  • Build and use models to make spatial predictions for community (Beta) diversity, i.e., variety of species
  • Calculate and benchmark total (Gamma) diversity, i.e., total quantity of species for a given area

biodivercity 0.1.0 (pre-release)

  • Finished development of main functions and vignettes, documented on website
  • Accompanying datasets yet to be released, so package still cannot be built/used
  • Features include the ability to build and apply predictive models, but currently available only for local (Alpha) diversity, i.e., predict the number of species
  • Assessment of community (Beta) diversity to be released in the future, i.e., predict the variety of species

Key features include:

  • Step-by-step protocols for random point sampling of an animal group within areas of interest
  • Generate data summaries of the animals surveyed, at multiple levels of granularity (e.g., areas, periods, animal groups, species)
  • Download and process landscape data within areas of interest (e.g., remotely sensed data, OpenStreetMap data, manually mapped data)
  • Build predictive models to assess local (Alpha), community (Beta) and total (Gamma) diversity for an animal group (currently available only for Alpha diversity); respectively, these three types of diversity represent the local quantity of species, variety of species, and total quantity of species within an area of interest
  • Use models to make pixel-based spatial predictions across new areas and time periods
  • Convert vector data generated from future design scenarios into formats suitable for model predictions
  • Summarise spatial predictions to benchmark and compare biodiversity ‘performance’ between planning units across the city