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This article describes a systematic way to conduct animal surveys, in order to collect a representative sample of data for a given area. The sampling strategy involves observations made at point locations (i.e. point surveys) for a fixed duration of time, within a fixed buffer radius from the point. The example data in this package were collected using the methods detailed here.

To begin, load the main libraries used in this analysis.

library("dplyr") # data processing
library("ggplot2") # data visualisation

1. Pre-survey preparations

Generate new sampling points

Before surveys can begin, survey points have to be randomly generated within the area of interest. If necessary, stratified random sampling can be performed to ensure sufficient representation between sub-areas of interest.

Load the example data sampling_areas (sf polygons) for six residential towns (areas) in Singapore, as well as patches of forest cover sampling_forests that are within these towns (sub-areas of interest). Note that forest cover for multiple Survey Periods (see column name period) are present in sampling_forests. Refer to help(sampling_areas) and help(sampling_forests) for more details.

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 353618.5 ymin: 141963.4 xmax: 384748.9 ymax: 161017.8
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   area                       geometry
## 1   BS POLYGON ((371976.9 150656, ...
## 2   JW POLYGON ((358502.3 149045, ...
## 3   PG POLYGON ((379073.3 156986.3...
## 4   QT POLYGON ((365379.3 145134.7...
## 5   TP POLYGON ((384558.6 150112.5...
## 6   WL POLYGON ((363419.4 160258.2...
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 364789.6 ymin: 141985.4 xmax: 366695.6 ymax: 145712.4
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   area period                       geometry
## 1   QT      1 POLYGON ((364789.6 145712.4...
## 2   QT      1 POLYGON ((365541.3 144630.1...
## 3   QT      1 POLYGON ((365538.2 144603.3...
## 4   QT      1 POLYGON ((365992 142465.8, ...
## 5   QT      1 POLYGON ((365472.9 143750.2...
## 6   QT      1 POLYGON ((365615.5 143720.4...

Using the area QT (Queenstown) as an example, sampling points can be randomly generated. Subset both the example data to this area, focusing on survey period 2.

queenstown <- sampling_areas[sampling_areas$area %in% "QT", ]
queenstown_forest <- sampling_forests[sampling_forests$area == "QT" & sampling_forests$period == 2,]

Next, within the area of interest, generate sampling points at a specified density and buffer radius using the function random_pt_gen(). In this case, we specify one point per 50 hectares (500000 m2), and a radius of 50 m for each point. The radius value is the minimum distance between the generated points and the boundaries—this ensures that the region for animal surveys does not extend beyond the boundaries of Queenstown. An excess of sampling points can be generated, in case some of these points are unsuitable for surveys (e.g. within areas inaccessible to surveyors); for instance, based on the specified parameters, 1.5 times the required number points can be generated. Finally, sub-areas of interest (queenstown_forest) can also be specified; sampling points will be stratified between the areas within and outside of queenstown_forest (i.e. ‘Forest’ and ‘Urban’ land cover types, respectively):


points <- random_pt_gen(boundaries = queenstown,
                        area_per_pt = 500000,
                        pt_radius = 50,
                        excess_modifier = 1.5,
                        sub_areas = queenstown_forest)
##  Total number of points required: 13.
##  Number of points required within 'normal' areas: 12.
##  Number of points required within 'sub-areas': 1.
##  Number of points within 'normal' areas that were generated: 18 (n = 12, excess_modifier = 1.5).
##  Number of points within 'sub-areas' that were generated: 2 (n = 1, excess_modifier = 1.5).

The output points is an sf object (POINT geometry) containing the unique identifier, type (‘Normal’ or ‘Sub-area’) and geographical coordinates for each point:

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 364719 ymin: 142645.6 xmax: 367118.5 ymax: 143706.5
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##     type      id                         x
## 1 Normal normal1   POINT (366618 142645.6)
## 2 Normal normal2 POINT (366155.9 142805.7)
## 3 Normal normal3 POINT (365832.6 143706.5)
## 4 Normal normal4 POINT (367118.5 142757.4)
## 5 Normal normal5   POINT (364719 143528.1)
## 6 Normal normal6 POINT (366407.7 142761.1)

Visualise the generated points within queenstown:

ggplot(data = queenstown) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA) +
  theme_void() +
  geom_sf(data = queenstown_forest, fill = "darkgreen") +
  geom_sf(data = points, aes(col = type),
          show.legend = "point")

Retain sampling points

If surveys are conducted across multiple periods (e.g. years), there may be a need to retain sampling points from a previous period, for example, for long-term monitoring at the same location. If this is the case, new points can be generated while ensuring that a certain proportion of these points are similar to those from a previous period. Note that the column type must also exist in the old dataset, with the value of either Normal or Sub-area. For example, we can choose to retain points in Queenstown from Survey Period 1, which we assign to the variable queenstown_retain:

queenstown_retain <- sampling_points[sampling_points$area %in% "QT" & sampling_points$period %in% "1", ]

# create column 'type', which is based on the column 'landcover' in this example data
queenstown_retain <- queenstown_retain %>% 
  mutate(type = ifelse(landcover == "Urban", "Normal", "Sub-area"))

If we wish to retain half of the points, add queenstown_retain to the function argument ‘retain’, and set the argument ‘retain_prop’ to 0.5:

points <- random_pt_gen(boundaries = queenstown,
                        area_per_pt = 500000,
                        pt_radius = 50,
                        excess_modifier = 1.5,
                        sub_areas = queenstown_forest,
                        retain = queenstown_retain,
                        retain_prop = 0.5)
##  Total number of points required: 13.
##  Number of points required within 'normal' areas: 12.
##  Number of points required within 'sub-areas': 1.
##  Number of points within 'normal' areas that were retained: 6 (n = 12, retain_prop = 0.5).
##  Number of points within 'sub-areas' that were retained: 1 (n = 1, retain_prop = 0.5).
##  Number of new points within 'normal' areas that were generated: 9 (n = 6, excess_modifier = 1.5).
##  Number of new points within 'sub-areas' that were generated: 1 (n = 0.5, excess_modifier = 1.5).

If there were points that were retained, the additional column ‘status’ indicates whether the points generated are ‘Old’ or ‘New’.

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 365267.7 ymin: 142299.4 xmax: 368232.5 ymax: 145167
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##        id status   type                  geometry
## 1 normal1    New Normal POINT (366281.2 142299.4)
## 2 normal2    New Normal POINT (368232.5 143131.8)
## 3 normal3    New Normal POINT (365983.4 143815.4)
## 4 normal4    New Normal   POINT (365267.7 145167)
## 5 normal5    New Normal POINT (365277.3 144234.9)
## 6 normal6    New Normal POINT (367253.4 143360.6)
ggplot(data = queenstown) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA) +
  theme_void() +
  geom_sf(data = queenstown_forest, fill = "darkgreen") +
  geom_sf(data = points,
          aes(col = type, shape = status))

Finally, surveyors can proceed to assess the sampling points and their surrounding areas (up to the buffer radius, e.g., 50 m). Factors to take note of include (1) accessibility; (2) potential disturbance to wild animals (e.g. nearby construction). To ensure that random sampling is maintained, suitable points should be selected according to the order in which they were generated (the column id).

2. Animal surveys

Data format

Animal survey data are organised into two separate tables, shown below.

Table: Example showing animal observations recorded during surveys. Each row represents a unique observation at a specified time, which includes the species name and count (abundance) of individuals. Refer to help(animal_observations) for more information.
survey_id point_id area period cycle resampled start_time time taxon species family genus abundance
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:01:00 Odonata Rhyothemis phyllis Libellulidae Rhyothemis spp. 3
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:12:00 Odonata Crocothemis servilia Libellulidae Crocothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:15:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:23:00 Odonata Crocothemis servilia Libellulidae Crocothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:28:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Odonata QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:44:00 2016-08-04 14:44:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1

Table: Example showing the information recorded for each animal survey. Each row represents a unique 30-minute survey. Refer to help(animal_surveys) for more information.
survey_id point_id area period cycle taxon resampled start_time notes
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 Odonata NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 NA
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Odonata QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 Odonata NA 2016-08-04 14:44:00 NA
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Amphibia QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 Amphibia NA 2016-08-04 19:55:00 NA
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Amphibia QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 Amphibia NA 2016-08-04 20:40:00 NA
1 PGT15 1 Aves PGT15 PG 1 1 Aves NA 2016-08-08 07:00:00 NA
1 PGT14 1 Aves PGT14 PG 1 1 Aves NA 2016-08-08 07:33:00 NA

Data collection

In the example datasets animal_observations and animal_surveys, 30-minute surveys were conducted within the designated buffer radius for the specific animal (taxon) group. For example, the buffer radius for Bird (Aves) surveys is 50 m, while those for Butterflies (Lepidoptera), Odonates (Odonata) and Amphibians (Amphibia) are at 20 m from the sampling point location. The survey time window also varies for each animal group, and were chosen based on previous research. In addition, Odonate and Amphibian surveys conducted at sampling points with ephemeral water bodies had to be performed within 24 hours after a rain event. The rain event had to be of at least a light–moderate intensity, based on real-time updates from Meteorological Service Singapore.

Table: Types of animal surveys in the example data.
Taxon Time Radius (m)
Birds 0700–0930 50
Butterflies 0930–1200 20
Odonates 1400–1600 20
Amphibians 2000–2200 20

Surveyors move within the buffer radius to identify and count the number of species. Each encounter is recorded according to individual species; information about the time, abundance and distance from the center point are also recorded. Refer to help(animal_observations) for more information.

Figure: Example showing the information recorded for animal observations from the surveyor’s point-of-view.

Sampling points were surveyed once every two months (cycle adds up to six per survey period); each sampling period thus stretched across a year-long duration.