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This article details various ways to download and process landscape data to build predictive models of animal diversity. For example, the landscape data may be derived from (1) remotely sensed satellite imagery, (2) open-source maps, or (3) manually generated sources (e.g., from on-site mapping, design scenarios). We give examples of each in this article.

Figure: Broad overview of the data workflow for a chosen animal group

First, load the necessary packages to run the analysis:

library("dplyr") # to process/wrangle data
library("sf") # to process vector data
library("tmap") # for visualisation

Next, define an output directory for raw and processed data to be exported to:

output_dir <- "</FILEPATH/TO/DIRECTORY>"

In this article, the Punggol (PG) area in Singapore from the example dataset sampling_areas will be used. Landscape data can be summarised at point locations where animal data are available (e.g., animal surveys have been conducted); to demonstrate this, we randomly generate three points within Punggol and assign it to the object ‘points’:


sampling_areas <- sampling_areas %>%
   filter(area == "PG")

# randomly generate 3 points
points <- st_sample(sampling_areas, 3) %>% 
  st_as_sf() %>% 
  mutate(point_id = row.names(.)) # unique identifier
tm_basemap(c("CartoDB.Positron")) +
  tm_shape(sampling_areas) + tm_borders() +
  tm_shape(points) + tm_dots()

1. Remotely sensed land cover

Land cover can be a useful predictor of animal diversity. For example, publicly-available data from Sentinel-2 may be downloaded using the package sen2r. The package includes data pre-processing steps such as cloud masking, atmospheric correction and the calculation of spectral indices.

sen2r() # view GUI
**Figure: A screenshot of the `sen2r` graphical user interface accessible by running `sen2r::sen2r()`.**

Figure: A screenshot of the sen2r graphical user interface accessible by running sen2r::sen2r().

Data processing parameters can be specified as arguments within sen2r(), or loaded from a JSON file. In the example below, we download data from 1 Jan to 30 Jun 2021, with not more than 15% cloud cover within sampling_areas. For each image, the spectral indices NDVI and NDWI2 are processed; these will be used to map vegetation and water cover, respectively. Do note that you will need to enter your account credentials for the ESA Sentinel Hub. Detailed steps and the use of other servers (e.g. Google Cloud) can be found in the package website.

# create sub-directories
dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r")) # for processed output files
dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r/raw")) # for raw files

# execute workflow
out_paths <- sen2r(
  timewindow = as.Date(c("2021-01-01", "2021-06-30")),
  max_cloud_safe = 15, # max 15% cloud cover in raw tile
  max_mask = 15, # max 15% cloud cover over sampling_areas
  extent = geojsonsf::sf_geojson(sampling_areas) # needs geojson as input
  clip_on_extent = TRUE,
  list_indices = c("NDVI", "NDWI2") # to map vegetation and water
  list_rgb = "RGB432B", # output an RGB image as well
  path_l2a = paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r/raw"), 
  path_l1c = paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r/raw"),
  path_out = paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r"),
  path_indices = paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r"))

For each spectral index, we can combine all raster images captured within the specified date range by averaging the pixel values across files, thus forming an image mosaic. This allows us to avoid relying on any one image for our analysis, and to deal with missing data (e.g. due to high cloud cover) during the period of interest. The function mosaic_sen2r() creates the mosaic by averaging the pixel values across the multiple rasters. It is a convenience function that processes the images based on the output folder structure of sen2r(); ensure that the function argument parent_dir in mosaic_sen2r() is similar to the function argument path_out in sen2r().

mosaic_sen2r(parent_dir = paste0(output_dir, "/sen2r"))

At this point, we have a single image mosaic (continuous raster) for each spectral index, for a given area/period of interest. While the continuous values from these rasters may be used directly in analyses, there may be instances were we want to work with discrete classes of land cover. To do so, we can classify pixels into one of two classes (e.g. vegetated or non-vegetated; water or non-water), based on an adaptively derived threshold value. For example, we can use Otsu’s thresholding (Otsu, 1979), which tends to outperform other techniques in terms of stability of results and processing speed, even with the presence of > 2 peaks in the histogram of pixel values (Bouhennache et al., 2019). This can be implemented using the function threshold_otsu(). As an example, let’s load the NDVI raster for the Punggol area in Singapore for subsequent classification. The NDVI is a measure of healthy green vegetation, based on the tendency of plants to reflect NIR & absorb red light. It ranges from -1 (non-vegetated) to 1 (densely vegetated). The figure below shows the histogram of NDVI values within Punggol, as well as the adaptively derived threshold value (vertical line).

ndvi_mosaic <- 
  system.file("extdata", "ndvi_mosaic.tif", package="biodivercity") %>% 

# get Otsu's threshold
threshold <- threshold_otsu(ndvi_mosaic)
## [1] 0.3945684
**Figure: Distribution of NDVI values across the Punggol area in Singapore, based on a mosaic of images collected from 2019-07-01 to 2021-06-30.** Pixel values to the right of the dashed line may be classified as 'vegetated', while those to the left are 'non-vegetated'.

Figure: Distribution of NDVI values across the Punggol area in Singapore, based on a mosaic of images collected from 2019-07-01 to 2021-06-30. Pixel values to the right of the dashed line may be classified as ‘vegetated’, while those to the left are ‘non-vegetated’.

The function classify_image_binary() can be used to directly classify a continuous raster (e.g., image mosaic). Note that it uses threshold_otsu() internally to define the threshold value. See the map below to examine both the original NDVI and classified rasters within the Punggol area in Singapore (toggle the map layers to view each one separately).

veg_classified <- classify_image_binary(ndvi_mosaic, threshold = "otsu")

tm_basemap(c("CartoDB.Positron")) +
  tm_shape(ndvi_mosaic) +
    tm_raster(palette = c("Greens")) +
  tm_shape(veg_classified) +
    tm_raster(style = "cat",
            palette = c("grey", "darkgreen")) +
    tm_shape(points) + tm_dots()

‘Landscape metrics’ can then be used to represent the composition and spatial patterns of land cover within the area of interest. For each classified raster, metrics can be summarised at specific point locations and at multiple buffer radii. Metrics can also be calculated at various ‘levels’, or unit of analysis — patch, class, and landscape (in order of widening spatial scale). Refer to the package landscapemetrics for more information.

Table: Examples of landscape metrics and their corresponding level(s) they may be calculated at (e.g., class, landscape). Details in hyperlinked text.
metric name type class landscape
ai aggregation index aggregation metric Yes Yes
area_cv patch area (coef. of variation) area and edge metric Yes Yes
area_mn patch area (mean) area and edge metric Yes Yes
area_sd patch area (st. dev.) area and edge metric Yes Yes
cai_cv core area index (coef. of variation) core area metric Yes Yes
cai_mn core area index (mean) core area metric Yes Yes
cai_sd core area index (st. dev.) core area metric Yes Yes
circle_cv related circumscribing circle (coef. of variation) shape metric Yes Yes
circle_mn related circumscribing circle (mean) shape metric Yes Yes
circle_sd related circumscribing circle (st. dev.) shape metric Yes Yes
cohesion patch cohesion index aggregation metric Yes Yes
contig_cv contiguity index (coef. of variation) shape metric Yes Yes
contig_mn contiguity index (mean) shape metric Yes Yes
contig_sd contiguity index (st. dev.) shape metric Yes Yes
core_cv core area (coef. of variation) core area metric Yes Yes
core_mn core area (mean) core area metric Yes Yes
core_sd core area (st. dev.) core area metric Yes Yes
dcad disjunct core area density core area metric Yes Yes
dcore_cv disjunct core area (coef. of variation) core area metric Yes Yes
dcore_mn disjunct core area (mean) core area metric Yes Yes
dcore_sd disjunct core area (st. dev.) core area metric Yes Yes
division division index aggregation metric Yes Yes
ed edge density area and edge metric Yes Yes
enn_cv euclidean nearest neighbor distance (coef. of variation) aggregation metric Yes Yes
enn_mn euclidean nearest neighbor distance (mean) aggregation metric Yes Yes
enn_sd euclidean nearest neighbor distance (st. dev.) aggregation metric Yes Yes
frac_cv fractal dimension index (coef. of variation) shape metric Yes Yes
frac_mn fractal dimension index (mean) shape metric Yes Yes
frac_sd fractal dimension index (st. dev.) shape metric Yes Yes
gyrate_cv radius of gyration (coef. of variation) area and edge metric Yes Yes
gyrate_mn radius of gyration (mean) area and edge metric Yes Yes
gyrate_sd radius of gyration (st. dev.) area and edge metric Yes Yes
iji interspersion and juxtaposition index aggregation metric Yes Yes
lpi largest patch index area and edge metric Yes Yes
lsi landscape shape index aggregation metric Yes Yes
mesh effective mesh size aggregation metric Yes Yes
ndca number of disjunct core areas core area metric Yes Yes
np number of patches aggregation metric Yes Yes
pafrac perimeter-area fractal dimension shape metric Yes Yes
para_cv perimeter-area ratio (coef. of variation) shape metric Yes Yes
para_mn perimeter-area ratio (mean) shape metric Yes Yes
para_sd perimeter-area ratio (st. dev.) shape metric Yes Yes
pd patch density aggregation metric Yes Yes
pladj percentage of like adjacencies aggregation metric Yes Yes
shape_cv shape index (coef. of variation) shape metric Yes Yes
shape_mn shape index (mean) shape metric Yes Yes
shape_sd shape index (st. dev.) shape metric Yes Yes
split splitting index aggregation metric Yes Yes
tca total core area core area metric Yes Yes
te total edge area and edge metric Yes Yes
ca total (class) area area and edge metric Yes No
clumpy clumpiness index aggregation metric Yes No
cpland core area percentage of landscape core area metric Yes No
nlsi normalized landscape shape index aggregation metric Yes No
pland percentage of landscape area and edge metric Yes No
condent conditional entropy complexity metric No Yes
contag connectance aggregation metric No Yes
ent shannon entropy complexity metric No Yes
joinent joint entropy complexity metric No Yes
msidi modified simpson’s diversity index diversity metric No Yes
msiei modified simpson’s evenness index diversity metric No Yes
mutinf mutual information complexity metric No Yes
pr patch richness diversity metric No Yes
prd patch richness density diversity metric No Yes
relmutinf relative mutual information complexity metric No Yes
shdi shannon’s diversity index diversity metric No Yes
shei shannon’s evenness index diversity metric No Yes
sidi simpson’s diversity index diversity metric No Yes
siei simspon’s evenness index diversity metric No Yes

A wide variety of landscape metrics can be summarised at point locations of interest, using the function calc_lsm(). The following example summarises all ‘class-level’ metrics for vegetation cover (veg_classified), up to 200 and 400 metres away from points. This returns a list, with each element corresponding to a particular buffer radius. Column names include a prefix indicating that values are landscape metrics derived from a classified raster (lsm_).

lsm_perpoint <- 
  calc_lsm(raster = veg_classified,
           points = points,
           buffer_sizes = c(200, 400), # in metres
           level = c("class"),
           class_names = c("veg"), # land cover class name
           class_values = c(1)) # pixel value of class

## $`200`
## # A tibble: 3 × 57
##   point_id percentage_…¹ lsm_v…² lsm_v…³ lsm_v…⁴ lsm_v…⁵ lsm_v…⁶ lsm_v…⁷ lsm_v…⁸
##   <chr>            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 1                 80.0    72.6    299.   0.169   0.505    2.87    229.    4.95
## 2 2                 99.9    68.4    169.   0.183   0.309    3.47    175.    6.33
## 3 3                100.     74.7    157.   0.264   0.415    3.17    154.   12.2 
## # … with 48 more variables: lsm_veg_cai_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_cv <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_circle_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_clumpy <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_cohesion <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_contig_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_core_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_cpland <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcad <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_dcore_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_sd <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_division <dbl>, lsm_veg_ed <dbl>, lsm_veg_enn_cv <dbl>, …
## $`400`
## # A tibble: 3 × 57
##   point_id percentage_…¹ lsm_v…² lsm_v…³ lsm_v…⁴ lsm_v…⁵ lsm_v…⁶ lsm_v…⁷ lsm_v…⁸
##   <chr>            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 1                 66.7    74.8    363.   0.302    1.10    11.5    191.    6.34
## 2 2                 99.1    77.0    318.   0.339    1.08    17.6    209.    6.95
## 3 3                 97.0    78.0    379.   0.301    1.14    15.1    183.    7.35
## # … with 48 more variables: lsm_veg_cai_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_cv <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_circle_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_clumpy <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_cohesion <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_contig_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_core_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_cpland <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcad <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_dcore_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_sd <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_division <dbl>, lsm_veg_ed <dbl>, lsm_veg_enn_cv <dbl>, …

This list object can then be converted into a dataframe, with a new column indicating the radii in which these landscape metrics have been summarised.

lsm_perpoint %>% 
  bind_rows(.id = "radius")
## # A tibble: 6 × 58
##   radius point…¹ perce…² lsm_v…³ lsm_v…⁴ lsm_v…⁵ lsm_v…⁶ lsm_v…⁷ lsm_v…⁸ lsm_v…⁹
##   <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 200    1          80.0    72.6    299.   0.169   0.505    2.87    229.    4.95
## 2 200    2          99.9    68.4    169.   0.183   0.309    3.47    175.    6.33
## 3 200    3         100.     74.7    157.   0.264   0.415    3.17    154.   12.2 
## 4 400    1          66.7    74.8    363.   0.302   1.10    11.5     191.    6.34
## 5 400    2          99.1    77.0    318.   0.339   1.08    17.6     209.    6.95
## 6 400    3          97.0    78.0    379.   0.301   1.14    15.1     183.    7.35
## # … with 48 more variables: lsm_veg_cai_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_cv <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_circle_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_circle_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_clumpy <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_cohesion <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_contig_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_contig_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_core_mn <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_core_sd <dbl>, lsm_veg_cpland <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcad <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_dcore_cv <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_mn <dbl>, lsm_veg_dcore_sd <dbl>,
## #   lsm_veg_division <dbl>, lsm_veg_ed <dbl>, lsm_veg_enn_cv <dbl>, …

2. OpenStreetMap landscape elements

Landscape elements can be retrieved from the open-source maps such as OpenStreetMap (OSM). For instance, built elements such as building polygons and road lines can be extracted from sampling_areas using the functions get_buildings_osm() and get_roads_osm(), respectively. The date argument, if specified, must be a snapshot date present within the Geofabrik database. If not, the latest data will be downloaded. In this example, we download these urban elements for the date 1 Jan 2021 and view them as an interactive map:

dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/osm")) # create sub-directory for raw data (avoid re-downloading each time)

buildings_osm <- get_buildings_osm(place = sampling_areas,
                               date = as.Date("2021-01-01"),
                               dir_raw = paste0(output_dir, "/osm"))

roads_osm <- get_roads_osm(sampling_areas,
                       date = as.Date("2021-01-01"),
                       dir_raw = paste0(output_dir, "/osm"))

# alternatively, load example dataset from package
filepath <- system.file("extdata", "osm_data.Rdata", package = "biodivercity")

# plot
tm_basemap(c("CartoDB.Positron")) +
  tm_shape(sampling_areas) + tm_borders() +
  tm_shape(buildings_osm) + tm_polygons(col = "levels") +
  tm_shape(roads_osm) + tm_lines(col = "lanes", palette = "YlOrRd")+
  tm_shape(points) + tm_dots()

The function calc_osm() can be be used to summarise the following metrics of buildings and roads, at multiple buffer radii.

  • Buildings (polygons):
    • Building footprint area (buildingArea_m2)
    • Building gross floor area (buildingGFA_m2) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
    • Average number of levels (buildingAvgLvl) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
    • Building Volume (buildingVol_m3) - Column for height must be present
    • Floor area ratio (buildingFA_ratio) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
  • Roads (lines):
    • Total lane length (lanelength) - Column for the no. of lanes must be present
    • Lane density (laneDensity) - Column for the no. of lanes must be present

For example, we can calculate building metrics up to 200 and 400 metres away from points. This returns a list, with each element corresponding to a particular buffer radius. Column names include a prefix indicating that values are from OpenStreetMap (osm_).

osm_perpoint <- 
  calc_osm(vector = buildings_osm, 
           points = points,
           name = "buildings",
           buffer_sizes = c(200, 400),
           building_levels = "levels") 

## $`200`
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 6 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377261.2 ymin: 154093.9 xmax: 378843.9 ymax: 155606.9
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   point_id osm_buildingVol_m3 osm_buildingArea_m2 osm_buildingGFA_m2
## 1        1                 NA            30093.71           170253.0
## 2        2                 NA            35088.81           422504.9
## 3        3                 NA            15261.99           151769.7
##   osm_buildingAvgLvl osm_buildingFA_ratio                         x
## 1           5.657429             1.354830 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 2          12.041015             3.362187 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 3           9.944292             1.207745 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)
## $`400`
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 6 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377261.2 ymin: 154093.9 xmax: 378843.9 ymax: 155606.9
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   point_id osm_buildingVol_m3 osm_buildingArea_m2 osm_buildingGFA_m2
## 1        1                 NA            91711.48           879935.0
## 2        2                 NA           133723.31          1241646.8
## 3        3                 NA            74207.59           523879.4
##   osm_buildingAvgLvl osm_buildingFA_ratio                         x
## 1           9.594600             1.750575 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 2           9.285193             2.470178 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 3           7.059647             1.042225 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)

This list object can then be converted into a dataframe, with a new column indicating the radii in which these building metrics have been summarised., # alternative way to convert list to dataframe
       mapply(transform, osm_perpoint, 
              radius = names(osm_perpoint), # new column
              SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 7 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377261.2 ymin: 154093.9 xmax: 378843.9 ymax: 155606.9
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##       point_id osm_buildingVol_m3 osm_buildingArea_m2 osm_buildingGFA_m2
## 200.1        1                 NA            30093.71           170253.0
## 200.2        2                 NA            35088.81           422504.9
## 200.3        3                 NA            15261.99           151769.7
## 400.1        1                 NA            91711.48           879935.0
## 400.2        2                 NA           133723.31          1241646.8
## 400.3        3                 NA            74207.59           523879.4
##       osm_buildingAvgLvl osm_buildingFA_ratio radius                         x
## 200.1           5.657429             1.354830    200 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 200.2          12.041015             3.362187    200 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 200.3           9.944292             1.207745    200 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)
## 400.1           9.594600             1.750575    400 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 400.2           9.285193             2.470178    400 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 400.3           7.059647             1.042225    400 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)

3. Manually generated landscape elements

There may be cases where you intend to summarise data that have been generated manually, for instance, from on-site mapping or artificial design scenarios (see vignette("use-cases")). Load example data for landscape vectors (points, polygons, lines) within the Punggol (PG) area in Singapore (Chong et al., 2014, 2019), visualised in the interactive map below. Note that there are no water bodies mapped within the target area.

filepath <- system.file("extdata", "landscape-vectors_mapped.Rdata", package = "biodivercity") # load example data

The function calc_manual() is provided for interested users, to calculate the following landscape predictors at multiple buffer radii. Column names include a prefix indicating that values were manually generated (man_).

  • Buildings (polygons):
    • Building footprint area (buildingArea_m2)
    • Building gross floor area (buildingGFA_m2) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
    • Average number of levels (buildingAvgLvl) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
    • Floor area ratio (buildingFA_ratio) - Column for the no. of levels must be present
  • Roads (lines):
    • Total lane length (lanelength) - Column for the no. of lanes must be present
    • Lane density (laneDensity) - Column for the no. of lanes must be present
  • Trees (points):
    • Count of trees (tree_count)
    • Species richness of trees (tree_sprich) - Column with species name must be present
  • Shrubs (polygons):
    • Percentage of landscape area with shrubs (shrub_pland)
    • Species richness of shrubs (shrub_sprich) - Column with species name must be present
  • Turf (polygons):
    • Percentage of landscape area with turf (turf_pland)
  • Natural vegetation (polygons):
    • Percentage of landscape area with natural vegetation (natveg_pland)
  • Water (polygons):
    • Percentage of landscape area with water (water_pland)

For example, we can summarise the species and count of trees up to 50 metres away from points. This returns a list, with each element corresponding to a particular buffer radius.

manual_perpoint <-
  calc_manual(vector = trees, name = "trees",
              points = points, buffer_sizes = 50,
              plant_species = "species")

## $`50`
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377261.2 ymin: 154093.9 xmax: 378843.9 ymax: 155606.9
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   point_id man_tree_sprich man_tree_count                         x
## 1        1               1              2 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 2        2              20            100 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 3        3               0              0 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)

This list object can then be converted into a dataframe, with a new column indicating the radii in which these metrics have been summarised.

manual_perpoint %>% 
  bind_rows(.id = "radius")
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 377261.2 ymin: 154093.9 xmax: 378843.9 ymax: 155606.9
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
##   radius point_id man_tree_sprich man_tree_count                         x
## 1     50        1               1              2 POINT (378568.6 154093.9)
## 2     50        2              20            100 POINT (378843.9 154203.7)
## 3     50        3               0              0 POINT (377261.2 155606.9)


Chong KY, Teo S, Kurukulasuriya B, Chung YF, Giam X & Tan HTW (2019) The effects of landscape scale on greenery and traffic relationships with urban birds and butterflies. Urban Ecosystems, 22(5): 917–926.

Chong KY, Teo S, Kurukulasuriya B, Chung YF, Rajathurai S & Tan HTW (2014) Not all green is as good: Different effects of the natural and cultivated components of urban vegetation on bird and butterfly diversity. Biological Conservation, 171: 299–309.