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Animal observations from on-site surveys can be used to build predictive models of animal diversity, or summarised to directly compare animal diversity between different areas or time periods. This article outlines the ways to format, check and process the animal data.

Figure: Broad overview of the data workflow for a chosen animal group

First, load the necessary packages to run the analysis:

Data format

Data from animal surveys are organised into two separate tables: (1) a record of animal observations during each survey; and (2) reference information about each survey. The existence of (2) ensures that surveys with zero animal observations are accounted for. More details on how data are collected can be found in vignette("animals-survey-protocols"). These example data can be loaded by running the following code:

Table: Example showing animal observations recorded during surveys. Each row represents a unique observation at a specified time, which includes the species name and count (abundance) of individuals. Refer to help(animal_observations) for more information.
survey_id point_id area period cycle resampled start_time time taxon species family genus abundance
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:01:00 Odonata Rhyothemis phyllis Libellulidae Rhyothemis spp. 3
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:12:00 Odonata Crocothemis servilia Libellulidae Crocothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:15:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:23:00 Odonata Crocothemis servilia Libellulidae Crocothemis spp. 1
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 2016-08-04 14:28:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Odonata QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 NA 2016-08-04 14:44:00 2016-08-04 14:44:00 Odonata Neurothemis fluctuans Libellulidae Neurothemis spp. 1

Table: Example showing the information recorded for each animal survey. Each row represents a unique 30-minute survey. Refer to help(animal_surveys) for more information.
survey_id point_id area period cycle taxon resampled start_time notes
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Odonata QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 Odonata NA 2016-08-04 14:00:00 NA
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Odonata QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 Odonata NA 2016-08-04 14:44:00 NA
1 QTNa14a_P 1 Amphibia QTNa14a_P QT 1 1 Amphibia NA 2016-08-04 19:55:00 NA
1 QTNb1a_P 1 Amphibia QTNb1a_P QT 1 1 Amphibia NA 2016-08-04 20:40:00 NA
1 PGT15 1 Aves PGT15 PG 1 1 Aves NA 2016-08-08 07:00:00 NA
1 PGT14 1 Aves PGT14 PG 1 1 Aves NA 2016-08-08 07:33:00 NA

If necessary, the convenience function filter_observations() may be used to filter the animal survey data based on specified grouping variables (e.g. area, period, taxon). For example, observations from bird (Aves) surveys in Tampines (TP) conducted during 2020-2021 (survey period 2) can be filtered as follows:

observations_subset <- filter_observations(observations = animal_observations, 
                                           survey_ref = animal_surveys,
                                           specify_taxon = "Aves",
                                           specify_area = "TP",
                                           specify_period = "2")

## # A tibble: 4,180 × 13
##    survey_id      point_id area  period cycle resampled start_time         
##    <fct>          <fct>    <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>     <dttm>             
##  1 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  2 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  3 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  4 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  5 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  6 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  7 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  8 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
##  9 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
## 10 2 TPa3b 1 Aves TPa3b    TP         2     1 FALSE     2020-07-01 06:55:00
## # … with 4,170 more rows, and 6 more variables: time <dttm>, taxon <chr>,
## #   species <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>, abundance <dbl>

Note that the column survey_id will be converted to a factor variable, which includes levels that are not present in the observation data (i.e., no butterflies were observed during those surveys).

Data checks

Checks can be performed to remove group-level observations, to prevent over-counting the number of species when summarising the data afterwards. For instance, if the species name of an observed animal is unknown, surveyors may have recorded such observations at a higher (group) level of classification, such as the family or genus. However, this same species recorded as a group-level entry may also be identified correctly (at the species-level) during other surveys at the same point/area (e.g., by another surveyor). When the number of species is tallied, it may result in a double-count of the particular animal species.

For example, there are two species of swallows observed across all points in the example dataset–Hirundo tahitica and Hirundo rustica. Hirundo spp. is entered (in the species column) when the species cannot be identified with confidence:

observations_swallows <- observations_subset %>% 
  filter(grepl("Hirundo", species)) %>% 
  group_by(area, point_id, species, family, genus) %>% 

## # A tibble: 42 × 5
## # Groups:   area, point_id, species, family [42]
##    area  point_id species          family       genus       
##    <chr> <fct>    <chr>            <chr>        <chr>       
##  1 TP    TPa3b    Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  2 TP    TPa3b    Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  3 TP    TPa15a   Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  4 TP    TPa15a   Hirundo spp.     Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  5 TP    TPa68a_P Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  6 TP    TPa68a_P Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  7 TP    TPa70_P  Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  8 TP    TPa70_P  Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  9 TP    TPa16a   Hirundo spp.     Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
## 10 TP    TPa16a   Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
## # … with 32 more rows

This would inflate the tallied number of species per point/area, since Hirundo spp. is a unique entry in the species column. For example, in the example dataset, a total of three swallow species would be reported within the Tampines (TP) area, rather than the two known to be present in the city of Singapore:

observations_swallows %>% 
  group_by(area, species) %>% # tally by area
  summarise() %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   area  `n()`
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 TP        3

One way to avoid such double-counting is to remove these group-level entries if all species in that particular classification group are observed, at the specified granularity of interest (point or area). The function check_taxongrps() identifies such group-level entries, as well as the total number of species within that grouping level (by referring to the columns genus and family). For example, for the example dataset of swallows within the Tampines (TP) area, we can check the number of unique species within the Hirundo spp. genus and Hirundinidae family:

to_remove <- check_taxongrps(observations_swallows, level = "area")
## # A tibble: 0 × 3
## # Groups:   area [0]
## # … with 3 variables: area <chr>, name <chr>, n <int>

These entries can subsequently be removed from observations_swallows, if they have been recorded in the species column:

filtered_observations <- observations_swallows %>%
  anti_join(to_remove, by = c("species" = "name"))

## # A tibble: 42 × 5
## # Groups:   area, point_id, species, family [42]
##    area  point_id species          family       genus       
##    <chr> <fct>    <chr>            <chr>        <chr>       
##  1 TP    TPa3b    Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  2 TP    TPa3b    Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  3 TP    TPa15a   Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  4 TP    TPa15a   Hirundo spp.     Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  5 TP    TPa68a_P Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  6 TP    TPa68a_P Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  7 TP    TPa70_P  Hirundo rustica  Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  8 TP    TPa70_P  Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
##  9 TP    TPa16a   Hirundo spp.     Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
## 10 TP    TPa16a   Hirundo tahitica Hirundinidae Hirundo spp.
## # … with 32 more rows

To verify that these entries have been removed, we can re-tally the filtered observations. The number of species will be reduced by one:

filtered_observations %>% 
  group_by(area, species) %>% # tally by area
  summarise() %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   area  `n()`
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 TP        3

Summarise data

To build predictive models for local (alpha) diversity for a chosen animal group, the animal observations will need to be aggregated at the level of each sampling point. For example, we can tally the number of bird (animal group ‘Aves’) species per point using the function tally_observations(). Note that this function avoids double-counting group-level records, by acting as a wrapper to the function check_taxongrps() (see previous section).

birds <- 
  tally_observations(observations = animal_observations, 
                     survey_ref = animal_surveys,
                     level = "point",
                     specify_taxon = "Aves")

## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   area  period taxon point_id     n
##   <chr>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <int>
## 1 BS         1 Aves  BSa11a_P    38
## 2 BS         1 Aves  BSa13_P     36
## 3 BS         1 Aves  BSa14a      35
## 4 BS         1 Aves  BSa1a       18
## 5 BS         1 Aves  BSa2        16
## 6 BS         1 Aves  BSa20a_E    31

To build predictive models of community (Beta) diversity for a chosen animal group, a presence/absence community matrix will need to be created. For each species (columns) at each sampling point (rows), presence is denoted as 1 while absence is denoted as 0. For example, we can generate the community matrix for the animal group ‘Aves’ (birds), after manually removing genus/family records using the function check_taxongrps():

# manually exclude genus/family lvl records by point
to_remove <- 
  check_taxongrps(animal_observations, level = "point") 

filtered_observations <- animal_observations %>%
  anti_join(to_remove, by = c("species" = "name",

# generate community matrix
bird_com <- filtered_observations %>% 
  filter(taxon == "Aves") %>% 
  group_by(point_id, species) %>% # tally no. of individuals per point and species 
  summarise(n = sum(abundance)) %>%
  group_by(point_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = species, # pivot to wide format
              values_from = n) %>%
  replace(,0) %>%
  ungroup() %>% %>% 
  dplyr::select(-point_id) %>%
  mutate(across(.cols = everything(), # change to presence/absence
                ~ case_when(. > 0 ~ 1,
                            . == 0 ~ 0))) %>%
  select(which(colMeans(.) > 0)) # include species observed at least once

##   Acridotheres javanicus Aegithina tiphia Amaurornis phoenicurus
## 1                      1                1                      1
## 2                      1                1                      1
## 3                      1                1                      1
## 4                      1                0                      0
## 5                      1                0                      0
## 6                      1                1                      0
##   Aplonis panayensis Apodidae Ardea purpurea Ardeola spp. Bubulcus ibis
## 1                  1        1              1            1             1
## 2                  1        1              1            0             0
## 3                  1        1              1            0             0
## 4                  1        1              0            0             1
## 5                  1        1              0            0             0
## 6                  1        1              1            0             0
##   Butorides striata Cinnyris jugularis Columba livia Copsychus saularis
## 1                 1                  1             1                  1
## 2                 1                  1             1                  1
## 3                 0                  1             1                  1
## 4                 0                  1             1                  0
## 5                 0                  1             1                  0
## 6                 0                  1             0                  1
##   Corvus splendens Dicaeum cruentatum Eudynamys scolopaceus Geopelia striata
## 1                1                  1                     1                1
## 2                1                  1                     1                1
## 3                1                  1                     1                1
## 4                1                  1                     1                0
## 5                1                  1                     0                0
## 6                0                  1                     1                1
##   Halcyon smyrnensis Haliastur indus Hemiprocne longipennis Hirundo rustica
## 1                  1               1                      1               1
## 2                  0               0                      0               0
## 3                  1               0                      0               1
## 4                  0               0                      0               0
## 5                  0               0                      0               0
## 6                  1               0                      1               1
##   Ixobrychus sinensis Lanius cristatus Lonchura punctulata Loriculus galgulus
## 1                   1                1                   1                  1
## 2                   1                0                   1                  1
## 3                   0                0                   0                  1
## 4                   0                0                   0                  1
## 5                   0                0                   0                  0
## 6                   0                0                   0                  1
##   Muscicapa dauurica Oriolus chinensis Orthotomus sutorius Psittacula alexandri
## 1                  1                 1                   1                    1
## 2                  1                 1                   0                    0
## 3                  1                 1                   1                    0
## 4                  0                 1                   0                    0
## 5                  0                 1                   0                    0
## 6                  1                 1                   0                    0
##   Psittacula krameri Psittacula longicauda Psittaculidae Pycnonotus goiavier
## 1                  1                     1             1                   1
## 2                  1                     0             0                   1
## 3                  1                     0             0                   1
## 4                  1                     0             0                   1
## 5                  0                     0             1                   1
## 6                  1                     0             0                   1
##   Rhipidura javanica Streptopelia chinensis Todiramphus chloris Treron vernans
## 1                  1                      1                   1              1
## 2                  1                      1                   1              1
## 3                  1                      1                   1              1
## 4                  0                      1                   0              1
## 5                  0                      1                   0              0
## 6                  1                      1                   1              1
##   Yungipicus moluccensis Zosterops palpebrosus Acrocephalus orientalis
## 1                      1                     1                       0
## 2                      0                     1                       1
## 3                      0                     1                       0
## 4                      0                     1                       0
## 5                      1                     1                       0
## 6                      1                     1                       0
##   Apus nipalensis Ardea cinerea Dinopium javanense Haliaeetus leucogaster
## 1               0             0                  0                      0
## 2               1             1                  1                      1
## 3               0             1                  1                      0
## 4               0             0                  1                      0
## 5               0             0                  0                      0
## 6               0             1                  0                      0
##   Lanius schach Orthotomus ruficeps Passer montanus Pelargopsis capensis
## 1             0                   0               0                    0
## 2             1                   1               1                    1
## 3             0                   0               1                    0
## 4             0                   0               1                    0
## 5             0                   0               1                    0
## 6             0                   1               0                    0
##   Trichoglossus haematodus Agropsar sturninus Gallus gallus (domestic type)
## 1                        0                  0                             0
## 2                        1                  0                             0
## 3                        1                  1                             1
## 4                        0                  0                             0
## 5                        0                  0                             0
## 6                        1                  0                             1
##   Lanius spp. Merops viridis Micropternus brachyurus Anthreptes malacensis
## 1           0              0                       0                     0
## 2           0              0                       0                     0
## 3           1              1                       1                     0
## 4           0              0                       0                     0
## 5           0              0                       0                     1
## 6           0              0                       0                     1
##   Hirundo tahitica Phylloscopus borealis Acridotheres tristis Ardeidae
## 1                0                     0                    0        0
## 2                0                     0                    0        0
## 3                0                     0                    0        0
## 4                0                     0                    0        0
## 5                1                     0                    0        0
## 6                1                     1                    0        0
##   Corvus macrorhynchos Falco peregrinus Lalage nigra Orthotomus atrogularis
## 1                    0                0            0                      0
## 2                    0                0            0                      0
## 3                    0                0            0                      0
## 4                    0                0            0                      0
## 5                    0                0            0                      0
## 6                    0                0            0                      0
##   Anthus rufulus Dicrurus paradiseus Egretta garzetta Pernis ptilorhynchus
## 1              0                   0                0                    0
## 2              0                   0                0                    0
## 3              0                   0                0                    0
## 4              0                   0                0                    0
## 5              0                   0                0                    0
## 6              0                   0                0                    0
##   Ducula bicolor Gerygone sulphurea Dicrurus annectans Ardea intermedia
## 1              0                  0                  0                0
## 2              0                  0                  0                0
## 3              0                  0                  0                0
## 4              0                  0                  0                0
## 5              0                  0                  0                0
## 6              0                  0                  0                0
##   Merops philippinus Anthus cervinus Cisticola juncidis Motacilla flava
## 1                  0               0                  0               0
## 2                  0               0                  0               0
## 3                  0               0                  0               0
## 4                  0               0                  0               0
## 5                  0               0                  0               0
## 6                  0               0                  0               0
##   Vanellus indicus Actitis hypoleucos Alcedo atthis Lanius tigrinus
## 1                0                  0             0               0
## 2                0                  0             0               0
## 3                0                  0             0               0
## 4                0                  0             0               0
## 5                0                  0             0               0
## 6                0                  0             0               0
##   Motacilla cinerea Elanus caeruleus Hirundo spp. Pycnonotus jocosus
## 1                 0                0            0                  0
## 2                 0                0            0                  0
## 3                 0                0            0                  0
## 4                 0                0            0                  0
## 5                 0                0            0                  0
## 6                 0                0            0                  0
##   Ardeola bacchus Ardeola speciosa Gallinago spp. Rallidae
## 1               0                0              0        0
## 2               0                0              0        0
## 3               0                0              0        0
## 4               0                0              0        0
## 5               0                0              0        0
## 6               0                0              0        0
##   Chrysococcyx minutillus Nectariniidae Pericrocotus divaricatus Accipiter spp.
## 1                       0             0                        0              0
## 2                       0             0                        0              0
## 3                       0             0                        0              0
## 4                       0             0                        0              0
## 5                       0             0                        0              0
## 6                       0             0                        0              0
##   Eurystomus orientalis Nycticorax nycticorax Haliaeetus ichthyaetus
## 1                     0                     0                      0
## 2                     0                     0                      0
## 3                     0                     0                      0
## 4                     0                     0                      0
## 5                     0                     0                      0
## 6                     0                     0                      0
##   Cacatua goffiniana Aerodramus maximus Anthracoceros albirostris
## 1                  0                  0                         0
## 2                  0                  0                         0
## 3                  0                  0                         0
## 4                  0                  0                         0
## 5                  0                  0                         0
## 6                  0                  0                         0
##   Picus vittatus Psilopogon haemacephalus Chalcophaps indica
## 1              0                        0                  0
## 2              0                        0                  0
## 3              0                        0                  0
## 4              0                        0                  0
## 5              0                        0                  0
## 6              0                        0                  0
##   Chrysophlegma miniaceum Cuculus micropterus Nisaetus cirrhatus
## 1                       0                   0                  0
## 2                       0                   0                  0
## 3                       0                   0                  0
## 4                       0                   0                  0
## 5                       0                   0                  0
## 6                       0                   0                  0
##   Orthotomus sericeus Pycnonotus aurigaster Mixornis gularis
## 1                   0                     0                0
## 2                   0                     0                0
## 3                   0                     0                0
## 4                   0                     0                0
## 5                   0                     0                0
## 6                   0                     0                0
##   Ficedula zanthopygia Muscicapa spp. Surniculus lugubris Orthotomus spp.
## 1                    0              0                   0               0
## 2                    0              0                   0               0
## 3                    0              0                   0               0
## 4                    0              0                   0               0
## 5                    0              0                   0               0
## 6                    0              0                   0               0
##   Centropus bengalensis Ploceus philippinus Prinia flaviventris Zapornia fusca
## 1                     0                   0                   0              0
## 2                     0                   0                   0              0
## 3                     0                   0                   0              0
## 4                     0                   0                   0              0
## 5                     0                   0                   0              0
## 6                     0                   0                   0              0
##   Cecropis daurica Ploceus spp. Sternula albifrons Vidua macroura
## 1                0            0                  0              0
## 2                0            0                  0              0
## 3                0            0                  0              0
## 4                0            0                  0              0
## 5                0            0                  0              0
## 6                0            0                  0              0
##   Aviceda leuphotes Aviceda jerdoni Aerodramus germani Psilopogon lineatus
## 1                 0               0                  0                   0
## 2                 0               0                  0                   0
## 3                 0               0                  0                   0
## 4                 0               0                  0                   0
## 5                 0               0                  0                   0
## 6                 0               0                  0                   0
##   Cacomantis merulinus Pycnonotus plumosus Streptopelia tranquebarica
## 1                    0                   0                          0
## 2                    0                   0                          0
## 3                    0                   0                          0
## 4                    0                   0                          0
## 5                    0                   0                          0
## 6                    0                   0                          0
##   Accipitriformes Cacomantis sepulcralis Merops spp. Acrocephalus bistrigiceps
## 1               0                      0           0                         0
## 2               0                      0           0                         0
## 3               0                      0           0                         0
## 4               0                      0           0                         0
## 5               0                      0           0                         0
## 6               0                      0           0                         0
##   Lonchura spp. Centropus sinensis Gracula religiosa Pandion haliaetus
## 1             0                  0                 0                 0
## 2             0                  0                 0                 0
## 3             0                  0                 0                 0
## 4             0                  0                 0                 0
## 5             0                  0                 0                 0
## 6             0                  0                 0                 0
##   Clanga clanga Accipiter trivirgatus Corvus spp. Gallus gallus (hybrid)
## 1             0                     0           0                      0
## 2             0                     0           0                      0
## 3             0                     0           0                      0
## 4             0                     0           0                      0
## 5             0                     0           0                      0
## 6             0                     0           0                      0
##   Aethopyga siparaja Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus Hierococcyx nisicolor
## 1                  0                           0                     0
## 2                  0                           0                     0
## 3                  0                           0                     0
## 4                  0                           0                     0
## 5                  0                           0                     0
## 6                  0                           0                     0
##   Pycnonotus zeylanicus Treron curvirostra Lonchura leucogastroides
## 1                     0                  0                        0
## 2                     0                  0                        0
## 3                     0                  0                        0
## 4                     0                  0                        0
## 5                     0                  0                        0
## 6                     0                  0                        0
##   Garrulax leucolophus Terpsiphone paradisi Ardea spp. Muscicapa ferruginea
## 1                    0                    0          0                    0
## 2                    0                    0          0                    0
## 3                    0                    0          0                    0
## 4                    0                    0          0                    0
## 5                    0                    0          0                    0
## 6                    0                    0          0                    0
##   Pluvialis fulva Caprimulgus macrurus Sturnia sinensis Ducula aenea
## 1               0                    0                0            0
## 2               0                    0                0            0
## 3               0                    0                0            0
## 4               0                    0                0            0
## 5               0                    0                0            0
## 6               0                    0                0            0
##   Myiopsitta monachus Accipiter gularis Scolopacidae Caprimulgus affinis
## 1                   0                 0            0                   0
## 2                   0                 0            0                   0
## 3                   0                 0            0                   0
## 4                   0                 0            0                   0
## 5                   0                 0            0                   0
## 6                   0                 0            0                   0
##   Clamator coromandus Lonchura atricapilla Mycteria spp.
## 1                   0                    0             0
## 2                   0                    0             0
## 3                   0                    0             0
## 4                   0                    0             0
## 5                   0                    0             0
## 6                   0                    0             0