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  • Xiao Ping Song. Author.
    Project management, methodology and data workflow, geospatial analysis

  • Edwin Tan. Author, maintainer.
    Data collection/curation, methodology, input on geospatial analysis

  • Rachel Lee. Author.
    Methodology, data collection/curation, input on community diversity

  • Hong Jhun Sim. Author.
    Methodology, data collection, input on community diversity

  • Justin Nai. Author.
    Data collection/curation, methodology

  • Kwek Yan Chong. Author.
    Conceptualisation, funding acquisition, methodology, supervision


Source: inst/CITATION

Song, X. P., Tan, E. Y. W., Lee, S. K. R., Sim, H. J., Nai, J., Chong, K. Y. (2022). biodivercity: An R package for spatial assessment of biodiversity across city landscapes. R Package version 0.1.0.

  title = {{biodivercity}: An R package for spatial assessment of biodiversity across city landscapes},
  author = {Xiao Ping Song and Edwin YW Tan and Rachel SK Lee and Hong Jhun Sim and Justin Nai and Kwek Yan Chong},
  year = {2022},
  url = {},
  note = {R package version 0.1.0},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7410414},