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Details about each animal survey conducted at sampling points within six towns (areas) in Singapore: Punggol (PG), Queenstown (QT), Tampines (TP), Jurong West (JW), Bishan (BS) and Woodlands (WL).






Development of a Biodiversity Index for Residential Towns using Biodiversity Field Surveys, 2016–2022. Ministry of National Development Research Fund (MNDRF) Grant. Awarded to the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Housing & Development Board.


The sampling points (point_id) were randomly generated within each town (area). Four types of animal surveys were conducted at sampling points, corresponding to four animal groups (column taxon): Birds (Aves), Butterflies (Lepidoptera), Odonates (Odonata) and Amphibians (Amphibia).

Each sampling period stretched across a year-long duration, where sampling points were surveyed once every two months (cycle adds up to 6 per period). Some points were sampled again in the second period (column resampled is TRUE). All surveys took place between the years 2016 to 2022.

See also


#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   survey_id   point…¹ area  period cycle taxon resam…² start_time          notes
#>   <chr>       <chr>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <lgl>   <dttm>              <chr>
#> 1 1 QTNa14a_… QTNa14… QT         1     1 Odon… NA      2016-08-04 14:00:00 NA   
#> 2 1 QTNb1a_P… QTNb1a… QT         1     1 Odon… NA      2016-08-04 14:44:00 NA   
#> 3 1 QTNa14a_… QTNa14… QT         1     1 Amph… NA      2016-08-04 19:55:00 NA   
#> 4 1 QTNb1a_P… QTNb1a… QT         1     1 Amph… NA      2016-08-04 20:40:00 NA   
#> 5 1 PGT15 1 … PGT15   PG         1     1 Aves  NA      2016-08-08 07:00:00 NA   
#> 6 1 PGT14 1 … PGT14   PG         1     1 Aves  NA      2016-08-08 07:33:00 NA   
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​point_id, ²​resampled