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Forest patches within the six towns (areas) in Singapore: Punggol (PG), Queenstown (QT), Tampines (TP), Jurong West (JW), Bishan (BS) and Woodlands (WL).




Tabular sf object. Each row has a geometry of type POLYGON. For each sampling period (column), all forests patches within each area (town) were surveyed.


Development of a Biodiversity Index for Residential Towns using Biodiversity Field Surveys, 2016–2022. Ministry of National Development Research Fund (MNDRF) Grant. Awarded to the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Housing & Development Board.

See also

  • sampling_areas are the encompassing areas of interest where these forest patches are located within.


#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 364789.6 ymin: 141985.4 xmax: 366695.6 ymax: 145712.4
#> Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N
#>   area period                       geometry
#> 1   QT      1 POLYGON ((364789.6 145712.4...
#> 2   QT      1 POLYGON ((365541.3 144630.1...
#> 3   QT      1 POLYGON ((365538.2 144603.3...
#> 4   QT      1 POLYGON ((365992 142465.8, ...
#> 5   QT      1 POLYGON ((365472.9 143750.2...
#> 6   QT      1 POLYGON ((365615.5 143720.4...